



September 2020

Frontierkids Global school offers the golden opportunity of making your child to begin to speak the English language through the Montessori pedagogy. Being bilingual has many benefits, the biggest of which, helps one to connect with the outside world. Our world is becoming smaller every day, and now everywhere you go, you will find people from different countries with different cultures and ideals.

The English language is a great bridge, connecting you to all these wonders.By being Bilingual, you can be in touch with your own culture, as well as those across the world. There are many ways like this to help your child learn the language naturally.On the other hand, each family is different and has their own way of development.

However, many families have found the strategy of “one parent one language” works extremely well. These help to provide a strong foundation for the two language’s understanding to grow in a balanced way.To help your child achieve this faster, this learning process can begin at home.

Here are some good tips, to help your child begin speaking the English language naturally.
At least, one parent should talk to the child in English. We don’t have to use long sentences; we can use simple phrases and new words, as long as the child is being attentive and getting involved with what we are saying.

At home, play nursery rhymes, sing-alongs, involve the kids in “English karaoke sessions”, listen to stories and read phonic based story books.
I would also, like to suggest the following TV programs for children to watch at home as well, Elmo’s world; Seaseme street; Blue’s Clues; Barney & The Wiggles.

“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being”.”The only language human ever speak perfectly is the one they learn in babyhood, when no one can teach them anything!“
Quote’s of Maria Montessori.

Frontierkids Glabal School:Foreign childcare staff






家では童謡を歌ったり、子どもたちを「英語歌詞のカラオケ」に挑戦させたり、物語を聞いたり、フォニックスの物語本を読み聞かせたりしてください。また、子どもたち向けに、次のテレビ番組『セサミストリートのエルモズワールド』『ブルーズ・クルーズ』『Barney & The Wiggles』をおすすめします。


Frontierkids Global School 外国人保育職員
