China ~ International Awareness Week

Nursery Blog


China ~ International Awareness Week

Our International Awareness Week focusing on China spanned from Monday 26th to Friday 30th of September, with a PowerPoint presentation on Wednesday 28th. 

The children watched with fascination as they learned many things about China.

They learned about the size of the country and its location on the Earth.             

They also learned about the population of China in comparison with Japan, the capital of China, Chinese currency, Chinese food, and many historical places and festivals related to Chinese culture. They discovered how Okinawan Karate was influenced by Chinese Kung Fu styles, and how karate practitioners appreciate that the roots of their art are in China.

After the presentation they watched some short videos about colorful Lion and Dragon dances in street and public performances.

Here is the PowerPoint presentation for anyone who would like to see it:

China (1)

Also during China Awareness week, the children studied the flag of China and colored their own versions of it for display. They did a great job!

Zaijian! See you next time!
